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mirai research Ltd.

From Curiosity 

Soft Scribble Heart

to Clarity

Market Research in Japan

Your Gateway to Japan's Culture and ​Consumer Insights.

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Tokyo embraces the cherry blossom season, a time when the spring winds stir our hearts with a blend of beauty and bittersweet anticipation. Reflecting on this, we share a tanka by Narihira Ariwara (825-880) from the Heian Era, found in the Kokin Wakashū (905). This poem echoes the feelings shared by nobles of the past and the people of Japan today, as we watch the delicate blossoms, hoping they withstand the spring's breath. #CherryBlossom #JapaneseCulture #tanka

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Hello frm Miki Uetsuki

Japanese market ​researcher and moderator

Welcome to mirai research Ltd., the ​nexus where future-focused ​marketing insights meet ​personalized strategy. With a ​singular vision and dedication, I ​bridge cultural divides, offering you ​a window from curiosity to clarity in ​understanding Japan's dynamic ​market. My bespoke services, ​tailored in both Japanese and ​English, are designed for a ​discerning global clientele eager to ​navigate the nuances of Japan and ​beyond.

Let's explore the future together.


How can I assist you?

Consultation​/Quick desk ​research

friends hangout  drink coffee and chatting

Thinking of ​research in Japan?

Let's decide if it's ​really necessary.


Business interview

Let me hear your ​stories.


Person Analyzing Reports in an Office

Expert insights in ​your preferred ​format.


Thinking and Acting Locally, Local Sourcing

Never ​underestimate the ​value of quality ​language.


Shinjuku shopping district, Tokyo, Japan

Unsure how you ​get what you want ​in market research ​in Japan?

We can craft ​unique paths ​together.

Consultation/Quick desk research

My services are fully customizable to meet each client's unique ​requirements, offering convenient packages designed specifically for those ​interested in market research within Japan.

If you choose to proceed with me for your full-scale interviews and ​analysis, I'll deduct the cost of these initial packages from my fee. This ​approach ensures that every dollar you invest with me from the start is ​maximized towards the success of your research project.

Thinking of research in Japan?

Let's decide if it's really necessary.

Research in a foreign country often comes ​with high expenses and various ​uncertainties.

However, substantial savings can be ​achieved with some initial desk research or ​by consulting a local expert.

In many cases, a large budget may not be ​necessary.

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Quick chat $100

Up to 30-min. A focused online chat​ addressing your research ques​tions, with preparatory research f​or informed answers. Casual, unprepare​d chat​s are free.

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Express Desk ​FROM $2​00-

This package offers the preparation of ​a deck consisting of 3+ PowerPoint ​slides, designed to address your pre-​research questions comprehensively.

Why not speak with a local expert to ​discover the most effective approach ​for your research needs in Japan?


Let me hear your stories.

At the core of my approach to market research and moderation is a ​deep commitment to understanding and insight. This begins with ​two foundational elements: thorough preparation and a 'blank ​canvas' mindset.

Thorough Preparation: Before each interview, I dedicate myself to ​extensive research. This isn't just about understanding the topics at ​hand; it's about diving deep into the context and culture of our ​respondents. This preparation ensures I can engage deeply, ​speaking the language of those we interview, and fostering a ​connection that enriches our conversations.

Blank Canvas Mindset: Despite my detailed background work, I ​approach each conversation with an open heart and mind. I ​consider myself a blank canvas, ready to be painted with the stories ​and insights of our respondents. This genuine curiosity allows for ​the discovery of authentic and sometimes unexpected insights that ​pure data cannot reveal.

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Moderation From $150

Below are some examples for your reference:

  • Online One-on-One Depth Interviews:
    • Consumer: $150 (30 min) $200 (1 hour)
    • B2B/HCPs: $220-$240 (1 hour)
  • Online Focus Groups:
    • Consumers: $450 (2 hours)
  • Offline Focus Groups:
    • Consumers: $480 (2 hours)

ANALYSIS and Reporting

Expert insights in your preferred format.

With nearly three decades of experience in market ​research, my approach is deeply enriched by a profound ​understanding of both traditional methodologies and the ​latest technological advancements. I offer a spectrum of ​reporting options, from concise debriefings to in-depth ​PowerPoint presentations, tailored to meet your specific ​needs. Beyond delivering insights, I ensure a ​comprehensive sense-check against local cultural nuances, ​safeguarding that nothing vital is overlooked. This ​combination of flexibility, expertise, and attention to detail ​ensures that the insights you receive are not only ​accurate but also culturally resonant and strategically ​aligned with your objectives.

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Debriefing From ​$150

A follow-up session provided a few days ​after completing all research fieldwork, ​offering a concise overview and answering ​any outstanding questions to ensure clarity ​and actionable insights.

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Below are some examples for your reference:

  • Quantitative Report:
    • From statistical tables/40 PPT slides: $3000
  • Qualitative Report:
    • 4 FGIs/40-50 PPT slides : $3500
  • Content analysis:
    • Excel format: $250 per 60 minute interview

Zen Japanese Garden Background

Translation and localization

Never underestimate the value of quality ​language.

Japanese, ranked as one of the most difficult languages for ​English speakers by the Foreign Service Institute, presents ​unique challenges in translation that go beyond mere words to ​cultural nuances and attitudes. In Japan's largely monolingual ​society, where only about 10% are proficient in English, ​precision in language is paramount. Mistakes or unnatural ​expressions in translations can lead to misunderstandings, given ​the language's subtlety and the high expectations for linguistic ​accuracy among native speakers.

Recognizing these complexities, I offer specialized translation ​and localization services designed to bridge the gap between ​English and Japanese. These services ensure that research ​materials not only are translated accurately but also resonate ​culturally and contextually with Japanese audiences.

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English to ​Japanese ​$0.10/word

3 working days

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Japanese to ​English ​$0.08/Character

3 working days

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English ​Transcripts ​


3 working days

bespoke solutions:Recruitment, Market Tour ​and SO on

Unsure how you get what you want in ​market research in Japan?

We can craft unique paths together.

It’s my pleasure to provide unique, tailored solutions to meet ​your market research goals. My services include boutique ​recruitment, focused on a small scale of select respondents, ​enhanced through partnerships with recruitment agencies. ​Additionally, from engaging market tours in Tokyo to seamless ​booking and local support, I meticulously cater to a wide range ​of needs. Feel free to share your requirements with me. I am ​eager to help you gain deep local insights or offer ​comprehensive research support.

price tag, sale label

Boutique ​Recruitment

from​ $200-/Per​ respond​ent

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Market Tour in ​TOKYO $200/hour

A guided tour visiting stores, ​services and streets to understand ​the sector’s landscape

Chat with me!

Soft Scribble Heart

Reach out if you need anything at all!
